[TowerTalk] ICE 419B schematic

Jim Brown jim at audiosystemsgroup.com
Wed Jul 20 13:53:21 PDT 2011

On 7/20/2011 1:25 PM, N2TK, Tony wrote:
> Oh and at V26B a number of years ago we were using two different brands of
> filters. I brought down my set of 'NQN receive filters, just in case. The
> 160M op was complaining about 80M nailing 160M. He swapped out the other
> filters for the 'NQN and his problem went away.

Also, don't rule out stubs as part of a solution.  Carefully tuned stubs 
built with beefy coax are typically good for 20-28 dB of attenuation, 
depending on frequency.  There's some good stuff about this on K1TTT's 
website, and a lot more on my website.


Stubs are REAL easy on lines feeding monoband antennas, but switching 
gets very tricky on multiband antennas because the switching network 
becomes part of the stub.

73, Jim K9YC

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