[TowerTalk] Hygain TH3

Gene Fuller w2lu at rochester.rr.com
Wed Mar 16 17:07:55 PDT 2011

I certainly agree with Mike re the BN-86. The PO of the TH-6DX that I 
rebuilt only used 100 watts so it had been no problem. However, with 1.5 KW 
it's not long for this world. If you're not one to get up tight over such 
things, the old 8 or so turns of coax maybe about 8" diameter would be not 
too bad a starting point. I realize that this is a controversial point, 
that's why I say "a starting point'. There are certainly more elegant, and 
technically superior ways too do a balun, but the coax coil is better than 
nothing, inexpensive and quite reliably.

Gene / W2LU

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Mike Baker" <k7dd at cox.net>
To: "'Gene Fuller'" <w2lu at rochester.rr.com>; "'Diane & Edward Swynar'" 
<deswynar at xplornet.ca>; "'towertalk'" <towertalk at contesting.com>
Sent: Wednesday, March 16, 2011 5:59 PM
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Hygain TH3

> Hi Guys,
> I concur with the disassemble, clean, lube, reassemble list and
> keeping the drain holes pointed down. I have used both Penetrox and
> Bencher's Butter-its-not between conductors and where stainless steel
> hardware is use, a suitable thread lube to prevent galling of the SS
> threads. Nylock nuts are a blessing that helps get rid of the cut washers
> and makes everything stay together.
> When I did the last set of traps on a TH-5, I used a very sharp
> drill bit and drilled out the dimples carefully so the hole was cleanly 
> cut
> and didn't leave a flash at the hole edge inside to cramp up the removal.
> When I reassembled the traps, I used a good grade of RTV (Loctite Blue
> Silicone Gasket Material and just plugged them with an oversize mushroom
> head dimple to keep out the water and grunge.
> When you perform your rebuild, you might want to scrap the BN-86
> balun (if you used one) for something a bit more efficient. If you run an
> amp replacement is not a question: it's a necessity. The BN-86 was never
> designed to handle 1500W, especially if you are running RTTY or similar 
> full
> duty cycle modes.
> They are a good antenna. I wish I hadn't sold mine years ago.
> Mike Baker  K7DD
> K7dd at cox.net
> -----Original Message-----
> From: towertalk-bounces at contesting.com
> [mailto:towertalk-bounces at contesting.com] On Behalf Of Gene Fuller
> Sent: Wednesday, March 16, 2011 10:16 AM
> To: Diane & Edward Swynar; towertalk
> Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Hygain TH3
> Hi Eddy -
> A few years ago I rebuilt an old heavily damaged TH-6DX. I cleaned and
> "greased" (Penetrox) all of the tubing "joints". Took apart all of the 
> traps
> and cleaned them and "greased" all of the electrical contact areas. 
> Replaced
> the hardware with ss where possible.  It has worked great since and was 
> well
> worth the effort. The closest thing to a problem was getting the cans off
> the traps because of the dimples they put in the cans after assembly. I
> found a piece of tubing, with o.d. just smaller than the i.d. of the can,
> that I could insert and tap on to force the trap form out.
> Gene / W2LU
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Diane & Edward Swynar" <deswynar at xplornet.ca>
> To: "towertalk" <towertalk at contesting.com>
> Sent: Wednesday, March 16, 2011 12:50 PM
> Subject: [TowerTalk] Hygain TH3
>> Hi Guys,
>> This has nothing particularly to do with TOWERS, per se, but I'm 
>> wondering
>> if anyone reading this might have an idea, or two (it'll require CLIMBING
>> the tower here in any event, I'm sure!).
>> Specifically, I have a Hygain TH3 - Mark III 3-element tri-band yagi at
>> 48'
>> here that has basically been idle, as I concentrated my efforts on the 
>> low
>> bands for some 4 years now. Anyway, I re-discovered 10-meters with the
>> inordinately high sunspot count of late, and pressed the yagi into 
>> service
>> there with stellar results.
>> Inspired, I next tried the antenna on both 20- and 15-meters, but was
>> shocked to see the SWR inordinately high right across each band...
>> Obviously something up there has gone awry in the preceding years---but
>> why
>> is it still A-OK on 10-meters...?
>> Thanks in advance, with my vy
>> ~73~ de Eddy VE3CUI - VE3XZ
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