[TowerTalk] Mosley CL-33 vs Hygain EXP-14

Mickey Baker fishflorida at gmail.com
Mon Mar 28 07:20:27 PDT 2011

I've owned both... but not both at the same time, nor the same site, so take
this for what it is worth. I owned a TA-33 in the late 1970's and an EXP-14
from 1985 until 1991.

The CL33 is simple to construct and works well. The EXP-14 has more parts
and is a bit more difficult to construct.

IMO, the EXP-14 is more rugged... nicely cast boom-to-mast clamp.

Performance wise, I believe that the EXP-14 has a bit better F/B, loud
stations could be attentuated more with a turn of the rotor.  I had better
luck in pileups with it, so I suspect it has a bit more gain.

The EXP-14 has a broader SWR curve on all designed bands... very nice before
the day of the pervasive antenna tuner.

I had the 40M addon for the EXP14, I loved having a rotatable antenna on 40
meters... one reason I ordered a new antenna with 40M capabilities is my
experience with this antenna. If it did 30/17/12 meters, I'd buy another.

Good luck, I guess it is clear that I prefer the EXP-14, all other things
being equal.


Mickey N4MB

On Mon, Mar 28, 2011 at 12:57 AM, Chris Merring <cobraford at juno.com> wrote:

> Hello,
> Have any of you that have owned both have an opinion on if there was an
> obvious performance advantage with either antenna?
> Thanks,
> Chris
> ac8dc
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Mickey Baker
Fort Lauderdale, FL
“Tell me, and I will listen. Show me, and I will understand. Involve me, and
I will learn.” Teton Lakota, American Indian Saying.

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