[TowerTalk] Interpreting symptoms

Mike nf4l at nf4l.com
Fri May 6 14:45:03 PDT 2011

Yeah, it'll come together ......someday. I would have thought it would be zero also. 
It is a cheap meter so who knows. The coax run is about 130 feet.

The only "hanging weight" is maybe 6 feet of the turning loop, and that doesn't hang 
from the connector.

I think the N connector is shorted at the motor.

73, Mike

On 5/6/2011 3:34 PM, w4lde wrote:
> Mike,
> Sorry to hear about all, I would think that you should see almost a zero
> reading, maybe you have a long run of coax.  There was a strong
> recommendation on this reflector by many that the "N" style connector
> was the way to go.
> Is it possible that the coax is at fault and opens when you raise the
> antenna?  Is the weight of the coax pulling on the connector?
> You'll find it don't give up.
> 73 de
> Ron W4LDE
> On 5/6/2011 1:56 PM, Mike wrote:
>> Thanks Ron -
>> The motor on the driven works fine, at least it did on the ground. One other anomaly
>> is that on the ground an analyzer showed a dip at around 6.5 Mhz with the antenna set
>> at 7.150 Mhz,  which SteppIR said was what to expect. In the air, the analyzer
>> doesn't read a dip anywhere.
>> The beginning of the problem was that the tapes had jumped the reels and one of the
>> holes in the tape had snagged on a wire joint on the balun. So I replaced the motor,
>> and the jumper from the motor to the turning loop. I think it's that piece of coax,
>> specifically the connector at the motor. The driven reads about 3 ohms at the radio
>> end of the coax.
>> There are 2 bad driver chips in the controller, but the driven is OK. I have a board
>> at SteppIR getting new chips.
>> At the rate cranes and climbers go for, minor it's not. 2 trips so far, looking at 2
>> more; :-$
>> 73, Mike
>> On 5/6/2011 9:13 AM, w4lde wrote:
>>> Mike,
>>> When I connect only the center pin of any coax fed antenna I usually get
>>> more noise since the cox becomes an antenna and this includes the SteppIR.
>>> Since its a new motor and balum did you do a test of the wiring
>>> including running the element tape out a few inches per the test
>>> recommendations by SteppIR and confirm the element is wired and working
>>> correctly?.
>>> Did this just happen (high SWR) or did it occur after the new motor and
>>> balum installation?.  What resistive readings are you getting on the
>>> driven element?  Can you read voltage changes on the output from the
>>> controller when you command the change at the controller?
>>> It's hard to give a WAG without some additional info.  Hope it's a minor
>>> problem to fix.
>>> 73 de
>>> Ron W4LDE
>>> On 5/5/2011 6:37 PM, Mike wrote:
>>>> Thanks, John -
>>>> I'm going with the coax theory for now. It's a new motor and balun, so hopefully
>>>> that's OK.
>>>> 73, Mike NF4L
>>>> On 5/5/2011 5:52 PM, john at kk9a.com wrote:
>>>>> It sounds like your coax is not connected to the driven element.  It could
>>>>> be a dead balan, bad connection or that the DE is fully retracted (if that's
>>>>> possible with a SteppIR).
>>>>> GL
>>>>> John KK9A
>>>>> To: towertalk reflector<towertalk at contesting.com>
>>>>> Subject: [TowerTalk] Interpreting symptoms
>>>>> From: Mike<nf4l at nf4l.com>
>>>>> My SteppIR is exhibiting high SWR at all frequencies. Varying the length of
>>>>> the
>>>>> driven element does not affect it.
>>>>> If I plug only the center conductor of the coax into the rig the noise level
>>>>> is
>>>>> much
>>>>> higher than when the shield makes contact. Any SWAG's as to what this means
>>>>> the
>>>>> problem likely is?
>>>>> 73, Mike NF4L
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