[TowerTalk] Tower Permit for Los Angeles County?

k6ye at q.com k6ye at q.com
Wed May 11 06:14:53 PDT 2011

I would contact Skip Bolnick, KJ6Y, for information. He erects and removes towers in the Los Angeles County area and should be a great data source. Good luck in your quest.

Semper Fi,

Tommy - K6YE

----- Original Message -----
From: Steve Jones <n6sj at earthlink.net>
To: Damon Stewart <wsmc551 at gmail.com>, towertalk at contesting.com
Sent: Tue, 10 May 2011 13:14:27 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Tower Permit for Los Angeles County?


I just obtained a building permit for my tower in San Mateo County, so you 
probably want LA County hams to answer your question.  But it appears from 
the ordinance that if you meet all the requirements of 22.52.1430, then you 
already have Planning approval.  All that stuff in 22.52.1440 is for a 
waiver if you don't already meet the 1430 requirements.  I would suggest you 
call the Building Inspector, tell him your proposed structure meets all the 
requirements of 1430 and if you may therefore apply for a building permit. 
If you need something in writing from Planning, he'll tell you.  Consider 
yourself lucky that LA County provides this kind of ordinance.  Here in 
unincorporated San Mateo County, there is nothing defined for amateur radio 
antennas, only commercial cellualr structures.  So I had to provide all the 
input listed on 22.52.1440, plus address a CEQA (California Environmental 
Quality Act) check list as well.  Fortunately there were no red-legged frogs 
to be found...!

Good luck es 73,


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Damon Stewart" <wsmc551 at gmail.com>
To: <towertalk at contesting.com>
Sent: Tuesday, May 10, 2011 8:52 AM
Subject: [TowerTalk] Tower Permit for Los Angeles County?

> Hello everyone,
> I live in the unincorporated area of Lake Hughes in Los Angeles
> County.   I found the municipal code "Part 13 AMATEUR RADIO ANTENNAS" 
> here,
> http://search.municode.com/html/16274/_DATA/TITLE22/Chapter_22_52_GENERAL_REGULATI.html#149
> I wish to install a new LM-470 that from what I read in the municipal
> code meets "Development standards".  Whats not clear is is what
> paperwork has to be filled out or submited for amateur radio antenna
> structures that DO meet "Development standards".
> Is there anyone in LA county that has gone through this recently that
> may be able to point me in the right direction?  I would like to have
> the proper papwerwork handy when I show up at the Department of Regional
> Planning (from what I understand this is where I start).
> Thank you,
> Damon Stewart, KJ7E
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