[TowerTalk] step ir vs zero five

Phil & Debbie Salas dpsalas at tx.rr.com
Sat May 14 14:59:03 PDT 2011

"That's because at frequencies above 14 MHZ, it makes a nice cloud warmer. 
The higher the
frequency, the warmer the clouds get."

Well, that depends on your definition of cloud burner.  The 43-foot vertical 
provides performance >= most commercial verticals up to about 15 meters. 
However, on 10 meters it is about 5dB down from a ¼-wave vertical at 10 
degree take off angle.  But the 43-footer has a higher radiation resistacne 
so ground losses are lower so this compensates some.  Here's a good analysis 
article:  http://www.eham.net/articles/21272.

Phil - AD5X

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