[TowerTalk] (no subject)

John Hudson jd_hudson at comcast.net
Wed Nov 2 22:25:44 PDT 2011

Isn't it kind of scary that a bunch of hams who can use a coat hanger and
talk to other side of the world using a tuna can and a transistor, talk to
someone while bouncing there signal off the moon, be able to stay awake for
48 hours screaming CQ!!!!! And the scariest part........they know something
about DYNAMITE....and use it in the name of "our hobby" YEAH BABY!!!!!!!!!! 


You're right Roger, as we say in Kentucky THAT'S WAY MORE FUN!!!!!!!!








Dynamite is a whale of a lot more fun!<:-))  OTOH it's a bit more 

difficult to get the permit now days than it was when I was young.

1/4 sticks of 40% done a little at a time will turn the whole chunk of 

concrete into something you can shovel. (if used correctly). I've done 

it within

2' of a foundation and 6 to 8 feet from a window with no ill, or 

expensive side effects.<:-))




Roger (K8RI)


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