[TowerTalk] Dropping guys

Larry lknain at nc.rr.com
Sat Nov 12 05:29:55 PST 2011

The tower (100 feet) had a 2 el 40M, 80M rotatable dipole, and KT36XA
(top to bottom) on it. All were pulled up a tram line one at a time. The 
and 40M were damaged by a tornado this past spring.  I am putting up a
4 el 40M (42 foot boom and 50+ foot? elements) and it weighs about 100 lbs.
It is just awkward mainly trying to keep the elements out of the guys. The
weight is about twice the KT36XA which doesn't make it any easier.

The KT36XA is being replaced by a LP antenna on a new tower.

Antennas will probably go up a tram line again.

73, Larry  W6NWS
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "K8RI" <K8RI-on-TowerTalk at tm.net>
To: <towertalk at contesting.com>
Sent: Saturday, November 12, 2011 2:21 AM
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Dropping guys

> On 11/11/2011 10:50 PM, Larry wrote:
>> I was looking for a detailed description of dropping guys on a guyed 
>> tower
>> to raise an antenna but didn't see anything in my searches that looked
>> like such a description. I think I know how it is done but I would prefer 
>> to
>> see a desciption. Anyone have a pointer to such a description?
> I agree with Don, but how big are the antennas.
> I put up a 30' long 7L 6 meter Yagi, a TH-5 tribander, and a cross boom
> ((bout 16') with a pair of 12L for 144 and a pair of 11L for 440.  I
> just took them up the tower, or rather went up the tower with them as
> they were pulled up via the gin pole (one at a time). I just rotated
> them around the guys with no problem.   The most difficult part were the
> top guys where the angle is the greatest. That required both rotating
> around the individual guy and around the tower at the same time.  As the
> antennas were supported by the rope to the gin pole it was relatively
> easy, but like chess you  had to think a couple moves ahead.
> 73
> Roger (K8RI)
>> 73, Larry  W6NWS
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