[TowerTalk] Hy-tower Vertical with 160M Vertical next to it

Gary Slagel gdslagel at yahoo.com
Thu Nov 17 09:19:50 PST 2011

Thanks Ken,
I kind of like the loading coil cuz it keeps down the amount of wire in the air..... neighbor and xyl concerns!  But.... if I thought the L performance would be better I'd go that way.  Searching the web I found some comments from folks that had used both the mk-160 trap/Inverted L solution and the loading coil solution and they seemed to prefer the loading coil.  But, the mk-160 trap comes off the tower at about 25' up making a pretty short vertical section.  I'd like to figure out a way to get the vertical section up 40 to 50 feet... still right next to the hy-tower though.  Maybe based on one of the 43' antennas that are all over these days.  In that case I wouldn't be surprised if the L would perform better then the loading coil.

Gary Slagel

From: WA8JXM <wa8jxm at gmail.com>
To: Gary Slagel <gdslagel at yahoo.com>
Cc: towertalk at contesting.com
Sent: Thursday, November 17, 2011 8:21 AM
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Hy-tower Vertical with 160M Vertical next to it

That should work out pretty well.  I have had the same thoughts about a Hy-Tower if I ever got one.  

No problem sharing the radial field.  If possible you might increase the field, it can only help, especially on 160.  

I would go the inverted L direction.  If you were just going to run a short wire next to the Hy-Tower and use a base loading coil, I wouldn't bother with the additional wire, IIRC, Hygain has a 160m loading coil for the Hy-Tower.  But the inverted L would be a much better solution IMO.


On Nov 17, 2011, at 10:13 AM, Gary Slagel wrote:

> I've got a Hygain Hy-tower that I use primarily for 80M but it also loads nicely on 10 thru 40.  I'm thinking of running a 160M vertical up the side of the hy-tower, supported by the hytower but spaced 6 to 12 inches away.  Insulated from the tower of couse.  The 160 vertical will be either an inverted L or something with a loading coil somewhere near the center.  I'll use the same radial field I"m using with the hy-tower and feed it via a remote antenna switch... MFJ-4712 switch or something like that.
> Is this worth experimenting with?  In particular I'm wondering 
>      1) is there is a problem sharing the radial field and also 
>      2) do I risk messing up the performance of the hy-tower on 80M.  It seems to work well now.

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