[TowerTalk] QST switchable antenna

Jim Lux jimlux at earthlink.net
Fri Nov 18 13:50:27 PST 2011

Well, I've got part of the model in.  Copied the dimensions from the QST 
article and the developer's MA presentation..

Not getting a good match yet, nor the F/B... but it's probably some 
little fiddling needed with dimensions, etc.

CM QST switchable
CM Ashraf Abuelhaija design
CM dimensions taken from slides Vortrag_MA_Abuelhaija_Ashraf.pdf
CE 20m
SY L = 5.3'wire length
SY DR = .00021 ' wire radiu   (0.14 mm2)
SY Hc = 7   ' height of center
SY HE = 4.35    ' height of wire ends
SY Y=4          'distance to side of antenna middle elements (fore aft Y=0)
SY X1=4.62/2    'distance fore/aft for middle elements
SY X=4
SY CL = 120  ' pf Load
GW	999	1	0.05	-0.05	HC	0.05	0.05	HC	DR	'feedpoint
GW	10	50	0.10	0	HC	X	0	HE	DR	'wire #1
GW	950	1	-0.05	-0.05	HC	-0.05	0.05	HC	DR	'loaded element feed
GW	20	50	0.05	-0.05	HC	X1	-Y	HE	DR
GW	30	50	-0.05	-0.05	HC	-x1	-y	HE	DR
GW	40	50	-0.10	0	HC	-x	0	HE	DR	'wire #4, directly aft
GW	50	50	-0.05	0.05	HC	-x1	y	HE	DR
GW	60	50	0.05	0.05	HC	x1	y	HE	DR
GE 1
LD	5	0	0	0	58000000
LD	0	950	1	1	0	0	CL*1e-12
EX	0	999	1	0	1.0	0.0
GN 2 0 0 0 13.0 .005 0.0 0.0
FR 0 1 0 0 14.15 0.0 0.0 0.0

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