[TowerTalk] 10M phased verticals
Jim Lux
jimlux at earthlink.net
Tue Nov 29 12:21:01 PST 2011
On 11/29/11 12:10 PM, Paul Christensen wrote:
>> how did you set the element currents? Explicitly with type 6 sources?
>> or with a matching network/transmission lines?
> Jim,
> NEC/2 input file below. Make your edited changes in a reply. I'll run
> your model and post the results.
> (len)gth and (sp)acing units below are in feet. "0.0625" below refers to
> element radius -- not the radiator wavelegth.
that looks how I would have modeled it..
I wonder if there's something funky from the ground specification.
You've got a radial field with the elements sort of placed on top of it.
Element 1 is at the center and connected to all the radials, but two of
elements are essentially sitting on top of one of the radials, and the
fourth element (at Sp,sp) isn't on any radial (since 45 isn't a multiple
of 6 degrees)
I've never tried a radial field under an array in NEC (at least not
using the GN card..)
If you run it with a perfect ground (or without the radial field) what
> Paul, W9AC
> -------------------------------------------------------
> CE
> SY len=22
> SY sp=8.78
> GW 1 6 0 0 0 0 0 len 0.0625
> GW 2 6 0 sp 0 0 sp len 0.0625
> GW 3 6 sp 0 0 sp 0 len 0.0625
> GW 4 6 sp sp 0 sp sp len 0.0625
> GS 0 0 0.3048
> GE 1
> GN 0 60 0 0 13 0.005 2.7432 #14
> EK
> EX 6 4 1 0 cos(180) sin(180) 0 'Phase 180
> EX 6 2 1 0 cos(-90) sin(-90) 0 'Phase -90
> EX 6 3 1 0 cos(-90) sin(-90) 0
> EX 6 1 1 0 1 0 0
> FR 0 0 0 0 28 0
> EN
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