R. Morris robrk at nidhog.net
Sun Oct 30 11:38:59 PDT 2011

On 10/30/2011 01:39 PM, Grant Saviers wrote:
> A couple more comments, some not covered before:  (all comments w/o
> engineering calcs - YMMV)
> 1.  Square tube is stiffer/stronger than round pipe or wide flange beams
> (I-beams) of same #/ft..
49 years ago I helped do an EZway tower with the "Wonder Ground Post", 
rocket fins on the bottom of the post.

The owner (one of them engineers) did the math for a round disk, 3' in 
diameter, 4" thick of concrete flush with ground level, not sticking to 
the post.

He came up with some considerable multiplication of  tilt over forces, 
which I forgot, 48 years ago.

Someone with a bigger brain might try to apply the idea to the guy posts 
and let us know some numbers.

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