[TowerTalk] pipe anchors

Jim Lux jimlux at earthlink.net
Sun Oct 30 11:46:49 PDT 2011

On 10/30/11 11:19 AM, Richard wrote:
> On 10/29/2011 11:09 AM, Richard wrote:
>> I live on a small city lot and am in the process of installing a 40 ft
>> Rohn 25G tower in my back yard with a pier pin base. I'd really like
>> to avoid using screw in anchors in such close quarters and would
>> prefer to use an elevated guy anchor like pipe set in cement. I
>> originally thought that 11 ft would be great to clear my roof line but
>> have been told that would require a pipe larger than what I can obtain
>> around here. Revising my plans a 4 ft high pipe in the corners of the
>> back yard would still be better than going to ground level. Can anyone
>> give me an approximate idea as to what size pipe and what size base
>> might be needed?
>> My tower is 40 ft, I would have at most 12 lbs of wind load on it, my
>> soil is a pretty heavy clay with no sand and no rock at least down to
>> 4 ft., our wind zone is said to be 70 MPH. Any input would be greatly
>> appreciated.
>> 73
>> Richard / N5YPJ
> Gee this is extremely enlightening -both the info on the screw in and
> the above ground anchors. I've been racking my brain looking for the
> right way to do this, I realize there is a helluva lot I didn't know.

yeah.. but it's actually straightforward math.  Find yourself a PE to 
help you (ARRL Volunteer Consulting Engineer program?) and you'll learn 
a lot.  There's a nothing like a practical problem of interest to you 
for motivation to learn.

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