Jim Lux jimlux at earthlink.net
Mon Oct 31 19:34:19 PDT 2011

On 10/31/11 2:02 PM, Dorn Hetzel wrote:
> But of course, filling the pipe or square tube with concrete probably
> does help since bending would have to compress the concrete
> fill and concrete *seriously* resists compression.  Especially if the
> interior of the tube is rough enough for the concrete to bond
> to it well (or some bolts are run through or such).

I'm not sure about that.  I looked through a bunch of references, and 
nobody seems to have measured the strength with/without concrete.

Yes, concrete is strong in compression, but think about a pipe full of 
concrete and bending.  It stretches on the far side, and the concrete 
just cracks.  Concrete isn't very strong in bending.

Overall, I don't think concrete fill buys you a lot, structurally, 
unless you're doing something like a prestressed concrete beam, so the 
side away from the load doesn't ever get into tension.

Even in the compression side, the steel probably is stronger than the 
concrete in compression.  Concrete's big advantage is that it's cheap 
compared to steel.

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