[TowerTalk] Heavy Duty Rotor

Jim Lux jimlux at earthlink.net
Tue Sep 6 14:43:53 PDT 2011

On 9/6/11 1:29 PM, Rick Karlquist wrote:
> Jim Lux wrote:
>> Bringing up an interesting question.. Some day, all those prop pitch
>> motors will die (or it will be 2050, and 100 year old Kurt will have
> For use INSIDE A TOWER, the prop pitch rotary gears cannot
> be equaled with conventional technology.  There are lots
> of great maga rotors out there, but they don't fit inside Rohn 45.

I would think a standard 56 frame motor and gear box would fit inside 
Rohn 45.. A 56, 143, or 145 frame is about 6.5" in diameter, and Rohn 45 
is something like 14" across the middle

I can see a 5-7 HP unit in a 184T frame (9" in diameter) being a tight 
fit, but then, there are companies making long skinny motors (e.g. for 
well pumps).

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