[TowerTalk] Yagi mounting and modeling software

George Dubovsky n4ua.va at gmail.com
Mon Sep 19 13:05:25 PDT 2011

Are you correcting for tapered elements?


geo - n4ua

On Mon, Sep 19, 2011 at 4:00 PM, Doug Snowden <dougn4ij at gmail.com> wrote:

> A recent post made me think of this question. I have been playing with
> the free MMANA modeling software, as well as the older Yagimax.  My
> first models were the usual dipole etc.  I started playing with yagis,
> and one thing I tried to do was to model a
> Hygain 204ba.  I can arrive at decent pattern, f/b, gain etc.   All of
> the models I have seen seem to model the HyGain antennas with shorter
> elements than the actual measurements from a Hygain assembly manual.
> The actual measurements are a foot or more longer for, say the
> reflector than the modeled antenna.   Other elements are similar in
> difference. The K4VX Yagimax seems to agree with the modeling files I
> see.   The ARRL has a ZIP file with all of the HyGain designs.  The
> models include the 3 inch boom mounting dimensions too.  I have
> changed element tapers. and this does not have anywhere near the
> influence to change the results that I see. I am confused, but, as
> usual, it will be something I have overlooked.  Would this have
> something to do with the Beta (hairpin) match that HyGain uses?
> Doug, N4IJ
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