[TowerTalk] Attachments was: Re: The Antenna System

Pete Smith n4zr at comcast.net
Sun Apr 22 05:46:40 PDT 2012

The blocking of attachments such as graphics with messages was 
originally based on concern that they might be vehicles for viruses, as 
well as the bandwidth implications of large attachments.  The impact of 
distributing a virus simultaneously to several thousand users was too 
horrific to contemplate.

I notice now that almost all attempts to distribute malware that I 
receive are using links to trap the unwary.  Whether or not it would be 
safe to allow attachments is a question I leave to the security experts.

73, Pete N4ZR

On 4/21/2012 11:45 PM, Bob K6UJ wrote:
> Jim,
> I concur 100%
> In the engineering fields we are accustomed to communicating with a description and a drawing showing the details.
> There should not be any guess work or trying to visualize the design.
> 73,
> Bob
> K6UJ
> On Apr 21, 2012, at 8:11 PM, Jim Lux wrote:
>> On 4/21/12 8:12 AM, Ward Silver wrote:
>>> I'm really enjoying the multiple threads and discussions that started with baluns and have come around to an analysis of the entire antenna system.
>>> That changing just one element of the entire system in isolation is unrealistic is a key point that most hams do not appreciate - indeed, they rarely hear that point of view.  They learn about antennas as one independent thing, feed lines are another thing, baluns a third thing, and so forth.  Thus, they tend to analyze and troubleshoot and modify assuming changes "here" don't affect behavior "there".  Since changing almost any part of the system affects the entire system, the results are wildly inconsistent and often mystifying - as noted by Ian and others.  At any rate, the discussions have provided numerous examples to use in explaining antenna system behavior to our clubs and fellow hams (and in my case, readers) - thanks.
>>> Also, it would greatly facilitate the discussion were we to be able to include drawings - I noticed several misunderstandings that would not have occured if the text was accompanied by graphics.  I can tell that many writing hours have been consumed trying to write clearly in a pure text environment!
>> picture, 1000 words, and all that..
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