[TowerTalk] Speaking of AV-640

Gregg Seidl k9kl at centurytel.net
Wed Aug 15 17:54:44 PDT 2012

I haven't used a vertical in decades and those were ground plane types when I was a poor young novice. 
I bought an AV-640 to use as a back-up or second antenna and I'm wondering what seems to work best at mounting it.I have several choices:ground mount it with the bottom being 5 or so feet off the ground. Mount it to the side of my metal shed with the bottom 5 or so feet from the top of the shed,this would place the base about 24 feet above the ground and out in the open but it would be 50 feet or so from the 14.4Kv line to our transformer. Third choice would be to mount it about 15 feet or so up on a metal pipe that would be guyed and cemented in the ground. I want to try SO2R on RTTY only. I am totally deaf in one ear so I can't do SO2R on SSB and I'm not good enough on CW. Any thought or ideas would be great.

Gregg K9KL

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