[TowerTalk] Tower Painting Question

K7LXC at aol.com K7LXC at aol.com
Sun Aug 19 13:05:32 EDT 2012

>    My thought was more along the lines of "if the  tower has been up long 
enough to need paint/galvanize, maybe it is time to  replace the cable 
while your at it"
    Umm, so you go by "random" maintenance? If  something needs it, fine. 
If it doesn't, why bother? 
    As far as replacing the cables - same thing. There  are 3 reasons why 
you would want to replace them - none of them "maybe it's  time". Real rust, 
cable damage or broken strands are the real reasons to  consider cable 
replacement. If those conditions don't apply, then it's probably  not worth the 
    IMO if it ain't broke - don't fix it.
Steve     K7LXC

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