[TowerTalk] Rohn TB3 Hole Pattern

W2RU - Bud Hippisley W2RU at frontiernet.net
Thu Dec 20 12:02:10 EST 2012

My old Rohn catalog with drawings of all the various  Rohn 25 and 45 top sections has disappeared.  I thought I could get the dimensions off the flat plate top section, since those holes are for the TB-3.

I just measured mounting hole spacing on a mounted TB-3 as 3-13/16 inches on a side.  The hole pattern is a perfect square, since there are four bolt holes.  Of course, your center hole should be greater than, say, 2-1/2 inches.

If no one else responds and you still need to know the diameter of the four mounting holes, let me know.  It's a bit more work (I have to flip my spare 2-foot top section upside down to measure the bolts themselves.

Bud, W2RU
On Dec 20, 2012, at 11:11 AM, Jerry Gardner <jerryw6uv at gmail.com> wrote:

> Anyone have a drawing of the hole pattern needed for the Rohn TB3 thrust
> bearing they could send me (or point me to)? You'd think this would be on
> the Rohn web site, but darned if I can find it.

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