[TowerTalk] 30M Beam

Michael Mraz mike.n6mz at gmail.com
Mon Dec 24 18:57:40 EST 2012

Amen! I built a rotatable 30m dipole from odds and ends from scrapped 
antennas and other "stuff" lying around. It worked beautifully (went 
from about 100 to about 200 countries in 12 months on 30m) and didn't 
cost me a cent -- until it helped overload my rotator which cracked 
the ring gear :-(

73  Mike  N6MZ

At 23:47 24-12-12, you wrote:
>A lot of money can be saved if you build the antenna 
>yourself.  Anyone who can assemble an antenna that is in pieces in a 
>box can probably start from scratch and build it using six foot 
>pieces of tubing for the elements.  A tubing cutter, a drill and a 
>couple of rewarding afternoons and you will have a three element 30m 
>Yagi along with at least a thousand dollars more in your pocket 
>versus buying one that sells for $1690 plus shipping.  There is 
>absolutely no problem in making an antenna that will work as well or 
>better and be as mechanically sound as one you would buy.
>73...Stan, K5GO

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