[TowerTalk] Hi-Z Antenna Stuff

Dan Schaaf dan-schaaf at att.net
Tue Feb 7 15:04:27 PST 2012

As I understand, the patent is on the buffer.

Best Regards
Dan Schaaf
K3ZXL www.k3zxl.com
60 Meters www.60metersonline.net
NOBSKA www.nobska.net
Cape Cod Instruments www.gnm-inc.com
Tel: 941-766-0706
Fax: 941-766-0707

"Problems cannot be solved by the same level of thinking that created 
them." - Albert Einstein

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Jack/W6NF" <vhfplus at gmail.com>
To: <towertalk at contesting.com>
Sent: Tuesday, February 07, 2012 5:06 PM
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Hi-Z Antenna Stuff

> On 2/7/2012 12:29 PM, Jim Lux wrote:
>> On 2/7/12 9:33 AM, Jack/W6NF wrote:
>>> What the hell did Rausch patent that was so unique and different that a
>>> patent was possible? Or can you patent something whereby everything is
>>> well known but you hold you head just so in the assembly process?
>> Why, yes, that is EXACTLY what patents are for.  You take things that
>> are ordinary and commonplace and combine them in a new and novel way to
>> produce something of use.
>> How it is produced could also be part of the patent (that's a "method"
>> patent).
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> Okay...if the technical aspects of a product is well-known, and not
> patentable in and of itself, then only the specifics of production and
> packaging are part of the protection of the patent. I've heard about a
> pharmaceutical company that attempted to patent a medication on the
> basis of alterations in capsule shape and color. I don't believe that
> got very far.
> If the "method" is duplicated that's one thing but if the packaging and
> assembly of well-known circuitry is substantially different then what is
> the basis for an infringement claim?
> There are quite a few of us interested in the answer.
> -- 
> Jack, W6NF
> Silver Springs, NV
> DM09ji
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