[TowerTalk] DXE Patents

Bill Tippett btippett at alum.mit.edu
Wed Feb 8 03:13:31 PST 2012

K9WN wrote:

 > A somewhat interesting thread but maybe everyone is missing the 
obvious. MAYBE,
just MAYBE, the patent covers the use of a 'wench' in the design. Or maybe a
North facing plastic owl (SORRY!! I couldn't resist <GRIN>)

Why not patent a good idea that's been in the public domain for over 25 years:

DESCRIPTION - The GP-1 by Lance Johnson Engineering is a Cast 
Alumaloy Buss designed to improve the installation of Radials on an 
HF Vertical or Ground Plane Antenna. Alumaloy is a strong alloy 
comprised of 90 percent Aluminum and 10 percent Magnesium that is 
commonly used on Magnesium Wheels in the Automobile Industry. Sold 
primarily at the Dayton Hamvention for over 25 years Lance Johnson is 
pleased to offer the GP-1 by Mail Order. The GP-1 has been sold in 19 
different DXCC Countries.

The GP-1 is suitable for both Ground and Elevated Vertical 
Installations. The GP-1 was reviewed in CQ Magazine in August of 1984 
and is great for 4-Square Arrays. The GP-1 is very helpful on 
DXpeditions as it makes the installation of Radials very efficient.


DXE made the plate square instead of round and received a patent!


73,  Bill  W4ZV 

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