[TowerTalk] Chipmunks

Jim Thomson jim.thom at telus.net
Mon Jan 16 22:23:04 PST 2012

Date: Mon, 16 Jan 2012 19:03:33 +0000
From: "Perry" <k4pwo at comcast.net>
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Chipmunks

Mice like the foam. It makes a great insulated "home".  They will nest in fiberglass as well.  Try stainless steel "Chore Girl" scrubbers to add structure to the foam.  I've also heard of layering the foam with hot sauce and/or cayenne pepper. 

73 de Perry - K4PWO   
Sent on the Sprint? Now Network from my BlackBerry?

-----Original Message-----
From: Bob K6UJ <k6uj at pacbell.net>
Sender: towertalk-bounces at contesting.com
Date: Mon, 16 Jan 2012 07:23:10 
To: \[TowerTalk\]<towertalk at contesting.com>
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Chipmunks

I have the same problem only with mice.  They chew away insulation on the wires.  
They can squeeze thru a very small opening.  I'm thinking of trying either the duct seal 
or the expandable foam for these critters.   Anyone had success with either of these for mice ?  


##  Mice and small critters hate stainless steel wool.  They try and eat it,  Once ingested, it kills em dead asap. 
I'd stuff a load of steel wool in there 1st.... THEN cover it up with duct seal.  Those steel wool scouring pads, soaked 
in that dry powder cleaner will also work..but they are small..and usually several per box.   The steel wool usually comes in 
huge containers... like the  "bull dog"  brand of steel wool.  The duct seal, also known as 'elephant s#@t"  in the telco world
is available at any home depot [ electrical dept]  and also any electrical wholesaler.  Comes in 1 lb and also 10 lb bags. As
noted, it's like kid's  plastercene.   They don't like the smell of duct seal anyway. the duct seal keep's out water + cold air. 

later... Jim   VE7RF 

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