[TowerTalk] Alpha Spid

Don Moman VE6JY ve6jy.1 at gmail.com
Sun Jul 15 16:04:42 PDT 2012

The portion of the Alfa Spid that rotates is just the pipe coupler with the
bolts that pin to the mast.  This is well inside all of the other parts of
the rotor so it seems highly unlikely that the rotor could bind on any
portion of the tower.  It is much more likely that something is eccentric
about the how the antenna mast is coupled to the rotor and therefore
causing it to bind.  Make sure that the voltage you are using and cable
 resistance isn't starving the motor from having enough torque to overcome
a small bit of binding.

73 Don

On Sun, Jul 15, 2012 at 10:50 PM, Chuck Sudds <chuck at dxham.net> wrote:

> Just had a new Alpha Spid rotor installed in my Rohn 45G tower at 96ft
> and it rotated about 280 degrees before stopping.  I have been working
> with Jeff at Green Heron and we ran a battery of tests assuring that the
> controller was working properly.  It appears that the rotor is binding
> on a tower leg (?) but I cannot see from the ground and I am disabled
> and unable to climb.  Has anyone else ever experienced a problem getting
> the Alpha Spid to turn in a Rohn 45G top section?  Thanks for any help.
> Chuck  KØTVD
> www.dxham.net
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