[TowerTalk] best way to apply PreLube

K7LXC at aol.com K7LXC at aol.com
Mon Jun 18 14:12:51 PDT 2012

>  I would like to know from others in the Tower Talk group  how they apply 
Prelube to their crank up tower cables.
The last time I  treated the cables I think only 50% made it in the cable, 
Any easy way to do this without getting PreLUbe all over the place ?  
    I would suggest one of those little red spray can  rods that fits into 
the nozzle - you probably have a few in the garage. That  works great. It 
still isn't an exact science but more will get onto the  cables.
    One TowerTalkian made a little  V-shaped backsplash out of some spare 
brass. He held it behind the cable  when he was spraying. 
    I prefer the little red rod but if I don't have one  I'll just spray it 
on very close to the cables. Yes, there's going to be  over-spray but it'll 
all wash away in the first rain. 
    Spray the PreLube on the cable and let it soak in  and run down the 
cable. That way it'll be thoroughly lubricated. Don't forget  the cable on the 
cable reel. 
Steve     K7LXC

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