[TowerTalk] Orion 2800DC

john@kk9a.com kk9a at bellsouth.net
Wed Mar 28 07:46:03 PDT 2012

I have no experience with the Orion rotator, however I have installed a reed 
switch on a prop pitch motor and it was pretty easy.  I left a .060" gap and it 
worked fine.  I do not think that the spacing is that critical, you just want to 
ensure that it doesn't collide with the magnet and that it is not too far to 

To:   towertalk at contesting.com
Subject:     Re: [TowerTalk] Orion 2800DC
From: Steve London 
Date: Wed, 28 Mar 2012 07:11:29 -0600
List-post:   <towertalk at contesting.com">mailto:towertalk at contesting.com>
I have replaced the magnetic reed switch in the OR 2800. It is important to get 
the right spacing between the reed switch and the motor. I forget exactly what 
it should be, but the M2 technical support people were very helpful in 
suggesting the correct spacing.
Steve, N2IC
 > Would like to hear from anyone who has had trouble with or who has replaced
 > the reed switch in the rotator.
 > My rotator still rotates, but no direction indication now.

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