[TowerTalk] 6 meter antennas

K8RI K8RI-on-TowerTalk at tm.net
Sun May 6 18:33:39 PDT 2012

On 5/6/2012 9:22 PM, Joe Subich, W4TV wrote:
> Bill,
>> According to the program the BIP and BOP at these heights cover EU,
>> SA and US pretty well if I BIP/BOP.
> Don't pay any attention to the elevation statistics for 6 meters from
> HFTA.  In a private e-mail exchange with Dean some time ago, he pointed
> out that there are no elevation statistics in the program for Six -
> what you see are actually the *Ten* Meter statistics and they *are not*
> accurate for typical Es on six.
> Effectively, F2 openings are so "rare" that VOCAP does not generate
> usable elevation statistics ... most of the six meter openings are Es,
> TEP, etc.

Even as low as the last sunspot peak, there were quite a few F openings, 
But other than a year of so around the peaks F openings are almost non 
So for the peaks that information would be quite desirable.
For the AU that is present during those peaks, you'd probably do best 
with a higher angle of radiation.
I had my 7L C3i at 115 feet and all I can say about the performance at 
that height and those band conditions is ...*Outstanding!*
But OTOH I'm quite a ways from the SE, being in Central Michigan.


Roger (K8RI)
> You may also find it useful to read material from W7GJ and others on
> EME with "fixed" elevation antennas.
> 73,
>      ... Joe, W4TV
> On 5/6/2012 8:55 PM, Cqtestk4xs at aol.com wrote:
>> Plans for the summer at the new station include getting a stack up  for 6
>> meters.
>> I have a clone of a commercial antenna...7 elements and plan to  make a
>> second to have a stack.  I am pretty much a novice on 6 meters and  all 6 meter
>> work was done out in KH6, quite different from FL.
>> After doing some HFTA with Dean Straw's program it appears that  50/25
>> would be a good height.  I am interested in working DX and long haul  US.  I
>> have room on the 15 meter tower for these two, but I probably could  do
>> different heights working around existing antennas.  Plans are to have  them as a
>> switchable both in phase, or both out of phase to cover all the  angles.  Any
>> advantage in having one at 180/190 feet?
>> According to the program the BIP and BOP at these heights cover EU,  SA and
>> US pretty well if I BIP/BOP.
>> Anybody have any advice?  Since I'm in FL I'm especially  interested in
>> anyone's experience who lives in the southeast.
>> Bill K4XS/KH7XS
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