[TowerTalk] Isolated tower ground

EZ EZRhino at fastmovers.biz
Tue May 22 11:03:12 PDT 2012

Hey Mario,

I think you're going to want to have the tower have its own system of 
radials and ground rods...several radials with ground rods spaced twice 
their depth apart (the usual).  I can't see how it could hurt to have an 
additional ground radial that runs in the trench with your coax and connects 
the tower to the house ground.  Other than the expense of it.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Mario" <marionow at gmail.com>
To: <towertalk at contesting.com>
Sent: Tuesday, May 22, 2012 11:56 AM
Subject: [TowerTalk] Isolated tower ground

> Hello everybody,
> I plan to erect the new tower. It would be a 60' + 10' mast on the top.
> Currently working on grounding system for station and I came across a lot 
> of
> posts and articles.  My initial plan was to bond the tower with the house
> grounding system and entrance point, until I have found W8JI article about
> grounding station http://www.w8ji.com/house_ground_layouts.htm . He says:
> "If the tower or antenna is near the house, it is better to bond it in. If
> the tower if more than 50 feet away, it might as well be isolated on its 
> own
> ground because the impedance will likely be too high to be an effective
> bond."
> In my case the tower would be 170+ feet away from the house. Just looking
> for other opinions/thoughts.
> Thanks
> 73,
> Mario
> KC8P
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