[TowerTalk] TowerTalk Digest, Vol 113, Issue 46 - Cell Tower Broadcast

Ro Grrr rogrrr at hotmail.com
Thu May 24 12:27:36 PDT 2012

If you want to make a small fortune, go into the tower business with a LARGE FORTUNE.
Seems to me there are several problems here.
First is the government and all its stupid regulations.
Second is the GREED of most if not all the contractors and sub contractors.
Third is the KIDS like the one standing on top of the tower, arms outstretched. Kids think they are invincible so they do stupid sh8 like that. However, I saw the preview so when it came up during the show, I looked closely and I thought I saw a tie-off so if he had fallen, he wouldn't have gotten too far. Might have had some minor injuries and LOTs of pride lost but not killed.
I put up my own towers by myself, learned from having to do heavy things alone. Yes, it's hard and takes a long time but I know what needs to be done and I have accumulated the equipment to accomplish the job myself. If I thinkI can't do something just bcuz I don't have the equipment and know where I can buy/rent/trade for it, I will get it and after the job, unload the piece for (close to) what I have in it.

MailfrmPA and Edwin
You pay $80/hour bcuz you want someone ELSE to do it. I learned to do lots of stuff myself so when I can't do it, which isn't all that often, I'm enough ahead that I can afford to pay that $80/hour.  But when you have a contractor who bids the job at $100/hour and hires a sub, he pays the sub $50, who hires another sub and pays him/them $25/hour. It's called BUSINESS.
However, some of the OSHA inspectors have no business being OSHA inspectors. They know LESS about the job they are inspecting than the pizza guys who are doing the job. It's called UNFAIR and STUPID.
If you're going to be an OSHA inspector, you should have worked on what you are attempting to inspect in order to write up anything about that job site.

If you want to learn something about their industry, go to Tower-pro at yahoogroups.com and read it for a while. By "while", I mean read it for a YEAR and then you'll get some kind of feel for what they have to put up with.



"W1JCW" <w1jcw at hotmail.com>

Subject: [TowerTalk] Cell Tower Broadcast


What a web of BS from the carriers about this. Everything is hurry up based on unreasonable time tables at others expense. 


That's one business I wouldn't get into, not enough $$ to go around with the guys doing the work and taking the risk. 

The carriers make a fortune because people want a smart phone. The hard working guys are on the wrong end of the food chain.


I was shocked myself that some get as little as $10 per hour ! 






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