[TowerTalk] Choice of aluminum

TexasRF at aol.com TexasRF at aol.com
Sat Oct 13 18:36:45 EDT 2012

Hi Rudy, 6061-T6 aluminum has a yield strength rating the same as 6063-T832 
 that is sold by Texas Towers and others.
The 6061-T6 costs more than 6063-T832 because of the extra  
heating/quenching steps needed to reach the rated yield strength. 6063-T832  reaches the 
rated yield strength by work hardening the material in the drawing  process.
If you want a self supporting vertical, then you would need to go through  
the same process as designing a 80 meter beam element with most of the 
material  weight left out of the calculations. Just as a guess I would expect the 
bottom  section to be about 4" diameter with a .25" wall.
This is not a trivial structure! Please proceed with caution!
If you want a guyed vertical, there are a number of them that have been on  
the air long enough to think about duplicating one. W5UN is one that comes 
to  mind.
Gerald K5GW
In a message dated 10/13/2012 4:09:30 P.M. Central Daylight Time,  
r_bakalov at yahoo.com writes:

I was  wondering if anyone can help me select the right material for 
full-size 80m  verticals. My questions are as follows:

1) metalsupermarkets.com offers  6061-T6 aluminum, but not T8. Is there a 
difference between T6 and T8 for my  purpose?
2) Should go for the 0.125 or 0.065 wall thickness?
3) Is 1"  tubing OK for the topmost segment? Too stiff for the wind at 70'? 
Not strong  enough?

I am aware that many ham stores offer 6061-T8 tubing, but I  do want to buy 
it local in VE3, close to my QTH, in 12' lengths (instead of  6') and avoid 
shipping complications due to length or clearing  customs.

73 Rudy  N2WQ

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