[TowerTalk] guying a Rohn 25 tower

K7LXC at aol.com K7LXC at aol.com
Sun Sep 9 19:00:46 EDT 2012

>  I would like to put up 40-50 feet of 25. It would be  behind my single 
story ranch house. One guy would go towards the rear. The other  2 would head 
toward the front left and right. The easiest would be to guy to the  roof. 
This tower will be for some vhf and uhf antennas. Your thoughts. 
    I've seen roofs that have been pulled loose by  attached guy wires. You 
can do it but I'd be very careful about the engineering.  A fellow 
TowerTalkian, Tony, K1KP, wrote a QST article some years ago about this  topic. Get 
ahold of a copy of it and you'll be much wiser. 
    Please note that 25G uses 3/16" EHS with a ultimate  breaking strength 
of 4000#. Could your homebrew roof guy anchor take that kind  of stress? I 
didn't think so. 
    Obviously your proposed installation will be on the  small side so you 
won't have much risk but I'd still be careful.
Steve    K7LXC

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