[TowerTalk] Winch needed

Jim Lux jimlux at earthlink.net
Sat Sep 29 23:05:53 EDT 2012

On 9/29/12 7:48 PM, K8RI wrote:
> I'm looking for a powered winch that runs off 110, that is relatvely
> easy to move from tower to tower, can be left out in the elements, will
> take up to several hundred feet of 1/4" steel cable or 7/16ths double
> braided poly rope.
> I like the winches that go on the front of pick up trucks and SUVs
> except for the weight and 12 VDC operation.
> Most of the 110VAC powered winches are meant to be a permanent part of
> the installation and use multiple belts. I do not want to use a simple
> V-belt reduction unit. It needs to be reversible and hold up to 500#
> safely, yet be something a guy with a bad back can handle.

When I did rigging, we used a lot of those inexpensive 110V hoist type 
winches.. I wouldn't stand under one.

http://www.mcmaster.com/#electric-winches/=jidyj9  at the top of the page.

For something you can stand under, the "chain motor" is the tool of choice.

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