[TowerTalk] Vertical comparison question
Mark Beckwith
r-emails at n5ot.com
Sun Apr 7 07:04:55 EDT 2013
Thanks for posting this Patrick. It has been a long time since I read a
review of a Hy-Tower and they continue to just play and play for many
73 - Mark, N5OT
----- Original Message -----
From: "Patrick Greenlee" <patrick_g at windstream.net>
To: <towertalk at contesting.com>
Sent: Saturday, April 06, 2013 10:54 PM
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Vertical comparison question
>I have a Hy-Gain Hy-Tower of '1950's design originally intended as a 5 band
>antenna (predated WARC bands.) It has been improved (more stainless) and
>you can add on a 17 meter stub. It works 12m just fine with no alteration
>or addition. With a 40m trap and a length of wire added on at the 24 ft
>point it gives you a good 160m antenna. IT works 160, 80, 40, 20, 17, 15,
>12, and 10 without a tuner and does pretty well. I have A-B compared it to
>1/2 wave dipoles and a 270 ft Carolina Windom OCF dipole and it is a wash.
>Sometimes it is better and sometimes not. One short coming of the vertical
>was not being able to QSO with a friend 120 miles away with the vertical
>but with the OCF dipole we did great. With the vertical he was in the
>noise for me but 20dB over S-9 to a friend 1/2 mile from me using a G5RU
>doublet up 40 ft.
> I haven't tried but you could add on stubs for 60m and 30m and have a 10
> band no band switch, no tuner antenna. I don't have any radials as called
> for in the manual but installed it on top of a 37X73 ft all metal building
> as a counterpoise. It has stubs for some of the bands. Works pretty
> good. Radio waves is Radio waves, they don't know it is an old design.
> New, old, indifferent... a quarter wave is a quarter wave.
> For those not familiar with the Hy-Tower... It is a triangular tower in
> three graduated sections that stands 24 ft tall above the mounting plate
> on insulators. It has a series of graduated telescoping aluminum tubes
> extending up from the triangular tower to about the 52 ft level. It was
> designed to be free standing and mounted on a concrete base 3X3X3 ft. It
> is advertised for 85MPH winds. I designed a custom base, skipped the
> concrete, and guyed with Phillystran. As the base is not at ground level
> but at about 22 ft to 74 ft above ground where the wind is stronger, I
> felt better with guys A N D the welds on my base are not stressed much.
> One day I may experiment with a few radials laying on the roof as a test
> to see if they would help.
> 73, Patrick AF5CK
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