[TowerTalk] Stackmatch & a 3 - sloper dipole array ?
Mike & Coreen Smith VE9AA
ve9aa at nbnet.nb.ca
Sun Aug 18 16:22:13 EDT 2013
I realized after I first posted this that I had **completely** forgotten
about the need for floating grounds in the case of a K1WA / K8UR / K3LR type
of array,(oops) but would STILL be interested in hearing from anyone using
wire full size dipole slopers and a 3 antenna stack match (or similar) and
their experiences.
I seem to recall somewhere reading about an ON or OZ stn who had wire
antennas and a stackmatch but google searches come up empty. Perhaps I read
it in a 3830 report.
So, the K8UR array is def out, but what about just 3 wire antennas or
verticals, or what-have-you ? Not everyone has enough $$ (or tower) to
install 3 yagis.
Thanks guys !
Mike VE9AA, NB, FN66
Mike, Coreen & Corey
Keswick Ridge, NB
From: Mike & Coreen Smith VE9AA [mailto:ve9aa at nbnet.nb.ca]
Sent: August 18, 2013 2:02 PM
To: 'towertalk at contesting.com'
Subject: RE: Stackmatch & a 3 - sloper dipole array ?
Nobody has ever used a stackmatch with 3 wire antennas before ?
Mike, Coreen & Corey
Keswick Ridge, NB
From: Mike & Coreen Smith VE9AA [mailto:ve9aa at nbnet.nb.ca]
Sent: August 13, 2013 6:07 PM
To: 'towertalk at contesting.com'
Subject: Stackmatch & a 3 - sloper dipole array ?
Hello good citizens of the TowerTalk realm.
I recently bought 2 Array Solutions StackMatches from a local.
I have one earmarked for future Tribanders, but am considering a 40m THREE
dipole array around a short 48' metal tower topped with yagis above the top.
(dipoles only @ 45-60 degrees from horizon)
Has anyone ever done this? Are unused ports left floating or shorted ? (a
la K1WA / K8UR type of arrays)
I am thinking if they are left floating, from here in VE9, I could orient
them NE(EU), SSE(AF/SA/CARIB) and W(USA/VK/ZL/JA) to cover all the bases.
I am sure the patterns regardless would be quite broad. I know gain would
be quite minimal (cpl dB??) so I am willing to accept that if there is
decent F/B for something like this. I am primarily a contester, so am
thinking of Euro contests and State QSO parties for F/B and CQWW/ARRL events
for "spraying in 2 or 3 directions" at other times.
Again, who's done some 'stacking' of 40m or 80m sloping dipoles using
original A/S stackmatches ?
Thanks !
Mike VE9AA
P.S.- I do have some experience with stacking of 2 x 6m yagis on the same
rotating mast and more recently, brute force "stacking" (I'll use the term
loosely) (no consideration given to coax line lengths or phasing) a 10m yagi
with a nearby 10m wire ground plane with sometimes pleasantly surprising
results !
Mike, Coreen & Corey
Keswick Ridge, NB
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