[TowerTalk] Thoughts on Tower lifting cable broken strands

Steve Dyer w1srd at yahoo.com
Thu Aug 22 10:51:33 EDT 2013

Replace the cable.
> I'm in a dilemma.
> I purchase a used TM-490 90 ft Sky Needle and recently found some of the
> 5/16", 7 X 19 aircraft cable lifting cable strands broken. The tower is on
> the ground and not been in the vertical position for a number of years. The
> problem, apparently there was some gas torch cutting done nearby and
> splatter landed on the cable. This molten metal landed on the pull up cable
> causing it to burn and sever 2 - 3 strands in one area, and another 3 - 4
> strands 6 inches higher up the cable. The cable overall is otherwise in
> very good condx with no wear marks. It might have been replaced prior and
> the tower has been laying on the ground ever since?
> The best and right thing to do is to replace the cable. But, I have been
> going through my options:
> #1 - Do the cable replacing myself. I have found the cable and cable
> pulling grip for less that $200. The major problem is that this is a 3200
> lbs tabular tower and not easy to move around. I would need to rent small
> boom truck or forklift and some other misc working hardware to pull the
> sections apart. It would not be easy, but feel I could do the job.
> #2 - Hire someone to come here and do the job. This can run into a 4 - 5
> thousand dollar cost.
> #3 - Transport the tower to California and have it restring by the tower
> company who made it long ago. I've checked commercial transport rates, r/t
> shipment and cable replacement cost is more than option #2.
> #4 - Do nothing and live with a few broken strands.
> *At this point I am looking for thoughts, experiences and/or
> semi-professional thoughts on option #4 - do nothing*. I've had a one
> experienced tower person say that 6 - 8 broken strands out of 133 is
> nothing.
> Again, I know the proper/safe thing to do is replace the cable, but how
> about doing nothing and using the tower as is?
> Tnx,
> Ray,
> N6VR
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