[TowerTalk] Change in SWR

Doug Scribner dscribner at myfairpoint.net
Tue Dec 3 11:29:26 EST 2013

Thanks for all the responses...

To answer all the questions...

Inverted V was up when I made the initial measurements

Yagi was pointed at EU for both checks...I'm in the Northeast. Turning the 
antenna 360 degreees makes no difference.

The day before I checked it we had about 2 inches of rain.  Prior to that I 
believe the ground was pretty much frozen. There is probably still a lot of 
moisture in the trees surrounding the tower.

And tomorrow is predicted to be a sunny day and mid-40s so I'll get out and 
drop the 160 low dipole.

Thanks to all...

Doug - K1ZO

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Doug Scribner" <dscribner at myfairpoint.net>
To: "Towertalk" <towertalk at contesting.com>
Sent: Tuesday, December 03, 2013 10:24 AM
Subject: [TowerTalk] Change in SWR

>I know, I probably should not get too hung up about this, but...
> Six weeks ago I finished my second tower... 66 feet of guyed Rohn 45. I 
> have a Mosley Pro-67B @ 68 feet and an 80 Meter Inverted V, with the apex 
> at 64 feet.
> Following the completion I went through all of my antennas and checked the 
> SWR at various places in the bands. I wanted a "baseline" to make 
> comparisions to should anything go wrong.
> About a week ago I made a few spot checks. The only significant change 
> that I found was on the Pro-67 and ONLY on 40 Meters.
> Initial check - 7.0 - 1.6, 7.1 - 1.4, 7.2 - 1.5, 7.3 - 1.5
> New check - 7.0 - 1.8, 7.1 - 1.9, 7.2 - 2.2, 7.3 - 2.1
> All other bands/freqs are VERY close to what they were initially.
> On the Mosley, the 40 Meter driven element is shared with 12 and 17. The 
> director is shared with 10, 15 and 20. My guess is that a yagi problem 
> would affect these other bands.
> The only addition I have made is to add a 160 Meter Low Dipole for 
> receive. It is 10 feet high with the feedpoint at the tower.
> Is there a chance that it is interacting with the yagi 58 feet above it? I 
> grounded the feedpoint of the dipole with no change.
> I know I should drop the dipole to the ground but it was such a hassle 
> snaking it through the woods I have held off doing that.
> Any advice?
> Thanks and 73
> Doug - K1ZO
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