[TowerTalk] Bye Bye Deer

Ro Grrr rogrrr at hotmail.com
Tue Jan 8 12:16:34 EST 2013

You might consider how "Big Cat scat" smells when it is fresh vs after it has dried out.  While we can smell it early on, after it dries out, WE cannot smell it but maybe the deer still can.
I speak from the experience of having a house cat and when he decides not to use the litter box, and leaves me a "present" somewhere else, I do smell it. However, if he plays "SANTA CLAUS" while I'm not home and it dries out, it's like finding easter eggs many years ago. You happen across them and they do not 'announce' their presence.

These fellas said:
Jim Rhodes <jimk0xu at gmail.com> wrote:
> The local zoo used to sell big cat "droppings" to scatter in gardens.
> Claimed to be highly effective. However I can claim no first hand
> knowledge

Steve Lane <dieselburner at gmail.com>
To: Jim Rhodes <jimk0xu at gmail.com>
You don't want that stuff. Its got to be the worst smelling stuff on earth.
Saw a Bengal tiger taking a dump once and the smell was enough to make your
eyes run and people flee.


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