[TowerTalk] Slack Crank Up Cable

Ned K1GU thewalruswaspaul at bellsouth.net
Mon Jul 1 20:18:45 EDT 2013

Tower:   US Tower HDX 589 Crank Up.  Vintage 2004, up for 9 years.

Issue:  There is so much slack in the pull down cable that the cable turns are 
coming off the drum when the tower is extended (fully raised or nearly so.) 
This allows the cable turns to overlap on the drum when the tower is retracted 
(lowered.)  The spring loaded eyebolt at the cable end attached to the bottom of 
the top section has reached its maximum travel.  That is to say, the eye of the 
eyebolt is right up against the steel bracket attached to the top section so the 
spring cannot provide any additional tension.  (There is a nut on the threaded 
shaft adjacent to the eye.)

History:  The pull down cable has always been slack since the tower was first 
installed.  Periodic adjustment of the nut that compresses the spring(s) has 
been necessary to keep reasonable tension on the pull down cable.  There is no 
evidence of slipping at the Crosby Clamp.

Help!  Has anybody encountered this problem?  What was the fix?  Can the pull 
down cable length be safely adjusted (shortened) by a layman (me) by pulling it 
through the Crosby clamp?  If a professional is recommended, who?

Comments Solicited from UST owners and those familiar with UST motorized crank 
ups (HDX 589 MDPL, HDX 572 MDPL.)  Please, no WAGs (wild-ass guesses.)  -:) 
Send direct comments or questions to me using my call at arrl net.  You know the 

Ned, K1GU
East TN

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