[TowerTalk] Boom Supports

n8de at thepoint.net n8de at thepoint.net
Wed Jul 17 10:59:58 EDT 2013

A truss could be mounted BELOW the boom ... made of two pieces of  
aluminum angle.


Quoting Chuck Sudds <chuck at dxham.net>:

> Good Morning, fellow antenna enthusiasts!
> I have a question that I would like your expertise and experience with.
>  I would like to mount a long-boom 6 meter beam above my 20 meter
> monobander.  The mast extends about 6 feet above the 20 meter beam (I
> know that this is pretty close spacing but it is all I can manage so it
> will have to do!)  As you can see, there is no room above the proposed
> 6 meter beam to mount a boom support guying system.  I have been
> thinking of mounting a short piece of angle iron, about 3-4 feet long,
> onto the boom-to-mast plate so that I can provide a support point for
> the boom.  I understand that this is not an ideal situation but do you
> see anything wrong with this approach?
> Thanks in advance!  Always enjoy the wealth of knowledge on this reflector!!
> Chuck  KØTVD
> www.dxham.net
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