[TowerTalk] Indentifying A4S traps

Yuri ve3dz at rigexpert.net
Wed Jul 17 12:59:08 EDT 2013

I have an old A4S w/40m add-on sitting in my storage for years.
Unfortunately the elements are not marked, and I need a way to identify the traps.
I heard about technique of connecting the Grid Dip Meter to the end of the traps, but I don't have Dip Meter at the moment.
Is there any other way to do that?

I see that Driven Element and Director both have a pair of traps on each side (and they are a bit different in length), while reflector has only one on each side. Are the traps on the director and driven element the same (interchangeable)? In the manual they marked TC/TD and TB/TE.

Thanks for any tip.

Yuri  VE3DZ

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