[TowerTalk] How High is enough

Bob K6UJ k6uj at pacbell.net
Wed Jul 31 16:51:55 EDT 2013

I agree with Bill.  My tribander is at 100 feet most of the time except when 
trying to work short haul DX on 10 and 15 like the caribbean for example.
Then I lower it down to 50 feet and better signal by 1 to 2 S units.


On Jul 31, 2013, at 1:17 PM, Cqtestk4xs at aol.com wrote:

> I've been sitting on the sidelines for this debate and want to  throw my 2 
> cents in.
> As pointed out, all antennas work.  What is your primary  
> objective?...working USA?  Working only DX?  Working a 50/50  ratio?
> For DXing, going higher is usually good, to a point.  Having a  tribander 
> at 100 feet is nice.  Been there and done that.  However,  you will find that 
> when the band is open for 15 and 10, that will be too  high.  You will find 
> you are down compared to guys at 50 to 60  feet.
> I strongly suggest you take a look at Dean Straw's HFTA program in  the 
> ARRL handbook which lets you know the percentage of time the angle of  arrival 
> from various parts of the world.  Once you have this info, it will  make 
> your decision a little easier.
> I've used this program to design my last two stations and have not  been 
> disappointed.
> Bill K4XS/KH7XS
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