[TowerTalk] How to apply lube to HDX589

john at kk9a.com john at kk9a.com
Fri Jun 14 18:50:25 EDT 2013

I am sure that even with no maintenance the cables will last significantly 
longer than three years in most installations. Cable breakage can  destroy 
your tower and antenna so this is something that needs to be monitored.  If 
you are in a corrosive environment the cables may not last three years. 
P49MR had the cable break twice on his U.S. crank up tower and I do not 
think that they lasted even three years in Aruba  A few years ago he 
replaced the crank-up with an AN Wireless free standing tower and has had no 
problems since.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Andre VanWyk" <kr5dx at yahoo.com>
To: "Steve Dyer" <w1srd at yahoo.com>
Cc: <john at kk9a.com>; <towertalk at contesting.com>
Sent: Thursday, June 13, 2013 17:38
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] How to apply lube to HDX589

Well I never heard of a crank up tower that failed because the cables were 
not lubricated PROVIDING manufacturer guidelines are followed and cables are 
changed when required.

I think we as hams tend to both try to reinvent the wheel too many times. If 
it ain't broken, don't fix it!


Sent from my iPhone

On Jun 13, 2013, at 11:41 AM, Steve Dyer <w1srd at yahoo.com> wrote:

> K7LXC breaks the prime directive for lubricating crank-up cables. He sells 
> Prelube 6 on his site and recommends using it. And yes, any professional 
> user of wire rope always lubricates their cables on a regular 
> maintenance/inspection schedule.
> It baffles me why anyone would not lube the cable with the *proper* 
> lubricant since the cable is THE critical link in a crank-up.
> It's a testament to how well the cable holds up that more failures haven't 
> occurred. That and it's way over-sized to the load.
> 73,
> Steve
> ________________________________
> From: "john at kk9a.com" <john at kk9a.com>
> To: towertalk at contesting.com
> Sent: Thursday, June 13, 2013 7:12 AM
> Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] How to apply lube to HDX589
> Lubricating the cable does go against the K7LXC prime directive. US towers
> recommends replacing the cable every three years.
> Most wire rope is lubricated during manufacturing. Lubrication does two
> things:
> Reduces friction as the individual wires move over each other.
> Provides corrosion protection and lubrication in the core and inside wires
> and on the exterior surfaces.
> If I owned a crank-up tower I would keep the cables lubricated and only
> change them if there was noticeable corrosion or broken strands .
> John KK9A
> To:     Bryan Swadener <bswadener at yahoo.com>
> Subject:     Re: [TowerTalk] How to apply lube to HDX589
> From:     Andre VanWyk <kr5dx at yahoo.com>
> Date:     Wed, 12 Jun 2013 22:45:37 -0400
> I am missing something here as US Tower advises against lubricating 
> cables.
> What are you gaining by lubricating cable? I my opinion if a un-lubricated
> galvanized cable shows signs of rust, it is time to replace it.
> 73's
> NJ0F
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