[TowerTalk] TowerTalk Digest, Vol 126, Issue 63

K7LXC at aol.com K7LXC at aol.com
Mon Jun 24 15:51:18 EDT 2013

>  I am looking for some 502 johnny ball insulators to use in  re-guying a 
tower. The old insulators are the little type 500Ds, which have  lasted 33 
years but don't have the proper contour to correctly seat Big Grips,  plus I 
prefer to use proper insulators for the purpose this time. 
    Just a point of information. PreFormed grips have 2  sets of crossover 
marks on them. The marks closest to the loop is for  normal steel guy wire 
application. The second set farther away from the  loop is for when you 
install the grips around Johnny ball insulators. This makes  the angle more 
agreeable than using the first set of crossover marks with an  insulator.
Steve     K7LXC

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