[TowerTalk] What rotor should I use

Joe Nuccio k4nyy at yahoo.com
Thu Jun 27 12:44:35 EDT 2013


That  might be an idea. But, right now I am looking into fabricating a rotor
cage with a thrust bearing much like the very top of a Rohn 25.

I have watched some yourtube videos of SteppIR's in wind storms. The
fiberglass elements really whip and move a lot.

73 Joe  K4NYY

 From: Dick Dievendorff <dieven at comcast.net>
To: 'Joe Nuccio' <k4nyy at yahoo.com>; 'Chris Pinholster' <k4win at mac.com> 
Cc: towertalk at contesting.com 
Sent: Thursday, June 27, 2013 11:58 AM
Subject: RE: [TowerTalk] What rotor should I use

Maybe a different rotator controller with a different ramp-down speed
control could be helpful.  I really like the Green Heron controller that
came with my K7NV Prop Pitch...

73 de Dick, K6KR

-----Original Message-----
From: TowerTalk [mailto:towertalk-bounces at contesting.com] On Behalf Of Joe
Sent: Thursday, June 27, 2013 5:29 AM
To: Chris Pinholster
Cc: towertalk at contesting.com
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] What rotor should I use

Hi Chris,

Thanks for the input and your experience.

The concern seems to that the 36' elements on the SeppIR start 'whipping'
back and forth while the antenna is being rotated which puts a lot of stress
on the gears when it comes to a stop. Apparently, this 'whipping' action is
not of a concern on large beams made out of aluminum.

73,  Joe  K4NYY

From: Chris Pinholster <k4win at mac.com>
To: Joe Nuccio <k4nyy at yahoo.com>
Cc: "towertalk at contesting.com" <towertalk at contesting.com>
Sent: Wednesday, June 26, 2013 9:10 PM
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] What rotor should I use

I have a Force 12C4 on my MA-40 and use a Yaesu 2800 SDX. Works fine for the
last five years.
Of course YMMV.

Chris  K4WIN

Sent from my iPad

On Jun 25, 2013, at 12:51 PM, Joe Nuccio <k4nyy at yahoo.com> wrote:

> I have a US Tower MA-40, a MARB and MAF. I also have a SteppIR 
> 3-element
> beam. What rotor do I need?
> One knowledgeable person about rotors has suggested thatSteppIR's put 
> a
> lot of torque back and forth on rotors. He thinks a HAM-IV will 
> getdestroyed and a t2x is marginal for the 3 elSteppIR because of the 
> 16' boom and 36'
> long elements even when mounted inside a tower on a rotor plate.  He 
> wonders
> if a t2x can handle the rotation of the MA-40 tower and the SteppIR as 
> well. He knows of many people using the MA-40 rotatable tower as I  
> want to do, but, they aren't adding a SteppIR on top. He suggests abigger
rotor or smaller antenna.
> . 
> I know some people who are using a HAM-IV to rotate a MA-40 tower, 
> but, they do have smaller beams. Please let me have your experiences and
> 73  Joe  K4NYY
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