[TowerTalk] hazer raising winch

Richard (Rick) Karlquist richard at karlquist.com
Mon Mar 25 14:07:45 EDT 2013

Would a Fulton KW3000 worm drive winch turned by an
electric drill work for you?  See:


The KW3000 holds 50 feet of 5/16" cable.  It will have no trouble with
70 feet of your small cable.

Also, consider mounting a pulley at the base of the tower and running
the cable out to the winch mounted outside the tower on the ground.
It doesn't have to be inside the tower like GM does it.

Rick N6RK

On 3/24/2013 6:46 PM, Kenneth Waites wrote:> I am removing the worn 
winch that came on my 70' Glen Martin aluminum tower, and replacing it 
with a winch
 > that has a spool.  I want reliability first.
 > I am finding it difficult to find a winch that will hold 70' or so of 
cable that I believe is 7/32".

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