[TowerTalk] More crank-up questions

Bill Fikis w2ay at atmc.net
Sat Nov 30 12:59:26 EST 2013

     Mike,   I  I  disagree with  a  previous  assessment  of  this  tower.
   principally   " gravity-no pull down"

   Picture  self  trying to   lower  the tower  durin g a strong wind. ( 
you  may  not have  been  home before the wind started)     without  pull 
down  the tower can (will)  get  hung up  on it self
   and  hang  there  until  the wind  lets up & hopefully  you  haven't 
continued  to  let out  cable
   while waiting for the wind to  stop.    That's  when  to  tower  drops 

   I  will  never  ever  have  another  tower  without  the pull down 

                                       ................Bill / w2ay

 ************************************************************************************----- Original Message -----From: "Mike Reublin NF4L" <nf4l at comcast.net>To: "Edward" <navydude1962 at yahoo.com>Cc: "towertalk reflector" <towertalk at contesting.com>Sent: Saturday, November 30, 2013 11:32 AMSubject: Re: [TowerTalk] More crank-up questions> Thanks Ed.>> Mike NF4L> On Nov 30, 2013, at 11:13 AM, Edward <navydude1962 at yahoo.com> wrote:>>> It's a good tower.  No limit switch.  Gravity not positive pull down.Cure for 30 days and don't ground your rebar.>>>> For antenna mounts fabricate a cross arm and mount above second section.Works great.>>>> Good luck.  Great tower.  Have had mine for many years.>>>> Ed NI6S>>>> Sent from my iPhone>>>>> On Nov 30, 2013, at 18:38, Mike Reublin NF4L <nf4l at comcast.net> wrote:>>>>>> I plan to put up a motorized HG-70 HD, with a 4 element SteppIR and a 7element M2 6M beam.>>>>>> Hy-Gain says 1 week for foundation curing, UST says 4 weeks. What'srealistic?>>>>>> My current guyed tower has a side-mounted G-7 and a couple of vhfverticals. How best to mount those on the crank-up? I was thinking ofhanging the G-7 upside down.>>>>>> Does this tower have latches, or is the weight on the cables whenextended?>>>>>> What about limit switches or stops?>>>>>> I'd like to carry over my 80 and 160M 1/4 wave slopers. Is that too muchstress? What about ground continuity top to bottom?>>>>>> Does the concrete/rebar cage make a Ufer ground? Do I need ground rodsin addition?>>>>>> 73, Mike NF4L

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