[TowerTalk] HD-73 Rotator issues

Dan Evans k9zf at yahoo.com
Thu Sep 12 17:30:22 EDT 2013

Just an update on the HD-73 issue.

The lamp is OK, and there was no voltage at the meter.  [an ohm meter across the meter measured a value, and the power from the DVM sent it to about half scale :-) ]

So, I pulled the little circuit board and started checking voltages.  It looks like the tiny little 4.7V zener is bad.

Good news:  Simple fix and a cheap part.

Bad news:  I will have to order the zener, so no chance of repairing before the contest this weekend :-(

73 all and thanks for the tips,
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> From: Richard Karlquist <richard at karlquist.com>
>To: towertalk at contesting.com 
>Sent: Wednesday, September 11, 2013 11:21 PM
>Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] HD-73 Rotator issues
>On 2013-09-11 18:17, Dan Evans wrote:
>> Talk'ians,
>> Just picked up an Alliance HD-73 at a hamfest.  The previous owner
>> sold it really cheap, because it has a problem...
>A famous gotcha with this is that if the lamp is burned out,
>the meter circuit doesn't work either.  The symptom will be
>as you described, the meter never moves from the left peg.
>BTW, replacements for the legacy lamp are still available
>from distributors.
>If the lamp lights up, check are see if there is voltage
>on the meter.  If there is, the meter is bad.  I have an
>extra meter if you need it, but there are two versions.
>If not, one of the handful of other components is bad.
>It is easy to troubleshoot from the schematic.  There
>is no rocket science involved.
>Rick N6RK
>TowerTalk mailing list
>TowerTalk at contesting.com

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