[TowerTalk] Fwd: Hustler 6-BTV installation

Jim Brown jim at audiosystemsgroup.com
Tue Apr 8 12:52:30 EDT 2014

On 4/8/2014 4:25 AM, john at kk9a.com wrote:
> I just read the Joel Hallas, W1ZR article - "The 43 foot vertical monopole
> - What's the magic?".  It was very interesting!  The coax losses are worse
> than I imagined, up to 8dB though 100 feet of RG-213, and as my model
> showed the radiation is very high above 20m.  Certainly a relay to
> electrically shorten the antenna would help 15m and 10m.

I haven't seen Joel's piece, but my take on 43 ft verticals is at 
k9yc.com/publish.htm  I showed this at Pacificon last fall. There's also 
a link to AD5X's extensive work on the topic.

73, Jim K9YC

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