[TowerTalk] WARC-7 - Force 12

Wayne Kline w3ea at hotmail.com
Tue Apr 15 15:17:12 EDT 2014

Hello Fellow TT'ers   
 After Hurricane Sandy tore through  eastern US.   I picked up a pile of aluminum from the carnage. 
one pile was  remnants of a F-12 C3  ( WOW)  it was TOAST . The other pieces  of a F-12 WARC-7
I was able to piece a boom  together   but the few straight piece left gave me not much of a clue as to the original  antennas configuration.     So B-4  I make Tomato stakes out of it.
  Dose any body HAVE a copy of the old F-12 WARC -7  manual  or just the over view page.
with the dimensions on !  I'll gladly pay for copy and postage or scan an image to me
at  W3EA at hotmail.com
Thanks  Wayne  W3EA  
PS my interest in the  WARC bands was sparked by the W1AW Centennial  ... 

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